责任与本能快穿女配冷静点希望和欲望控制或幻想自由还是他乡白人生物学家老头和黑人心理医生小伙怎么搭都不会出错taker or illusion自由是权利还是幻想人类从来没有站在食物链顶端过从监狱中的体育馆到非洲野外丛林束缚与自由价值观部分输出可圈可点但结尾交代不明女儿角色铺垫太长也显得乏力罪犯也有向往墙外自由的权利法治系统也应该是让人改过自新而不是弱肉强食
My first review on Douban! I adored this imaginative take on the fairy tale; it’s packed with stunning visuals, great performances, tons of hilarious moments, and yet by the end I was in tears for completely different reasons. I hope this gets a wide release here in the States so I can take all my friends!
这是部诙谐的电影快穿女配冷静点让人感到轻快和唯美~演员养眼~happy ending~I want to be with someone that ten years from now makes my heart jump when I hear her key in the door ~